Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Archives for October 2023
How to Impress Everyone You Meet
Think of the people you idolize. Why do they impress you? Is it the possessions they’ve acquired, the power they’ve secured, or the fame they’re enjoying? Are you in awe of them because they’ve been able to achieve what most people can only dream about? On the other hand, when you put their accomplishments aside,… [Read More]
Be Careful What You Take For Granted
When was the last time you paused to acknowledge all the wonderful things in your life such as good health, a roof over your head, and people who love you? The fact is that most people are so busy chasing things they don’t have, that they fail to appreciate the things they do. Be careful… [Read More]
Are You Doing Your Fair Share?
Who contributes more to a household, the person who washes the dishes or the one who takes out the garbage? The person who cooks dinner or the one who does the laundry? The main breadwinner or the one who spends more time with the kids? If you think keeping score in any relationship is petty,… [Read More]
Use Your Brains
We live in an age of abundant information. You can search websites, read books and blogs, listen to podcasts, and examine research to become knowledgeable about almost every subject. But just because you get an answer doesn’t mean it’s accurate. As Richard Dawkins, the British author, said, “By all means let’s be open-minded, but not… [Read More]