Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Archives for April 2019
Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?
Do your days ever start off crappy? Your kid has a cold, you run into heavy traffic on your way to work, and the milk in your coffee is sour. Really? If it’s not one thing, it’s another. You get cut off by a driver, your computer goes on the fritz, or your favorite shirt… [Read More]
You Are the Captain of Your Ship
Are You Inflexible and Stuck in Your Ways?
A category 4 hurricane can pack winds of up 156 miles per hour. Why do palm trees that stretch to the sky often survive hurricane-force winds, while well-built frame houses give way like toothpicks? The fact is, the house is rigid and takes the lashing head-on, while the palm tree is flexible and can bend… [Read More]
The Costs of a Big Ego
Being successful is great. But having a big ego can be a detriment to that success. Here are 13 costs of a big ego. Weak relationships. People with big egos can be condescending, rude, and disrespectful. Their nastiness can suck the oxygen out of a room. Shallow connections. It’s hard to build deep, trusting relationships… [Read More]