Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Archives for January 2021
Take the Shoe-on-the-Other-Foot Test
Fairness affects many areas of our life. And yet, even though there’s consensus that things should be fair, it doesn’t always turn out that way. That’s because some folks have no intention of being fair; others evaluate fairness based on how something affects them rather than considering how they’d feel if the roles were reversed…. [Read More]
Is Morality a Thing of the Past?
In the good old days, people embraced values such as hard work, playing by the rules, and living with honor and integrity. Do parents still pass those values on to their kids or are they too busy to parent? Do leaders still notice how they’re influencing their followers or are they too self-absorbed to even… [Read More]
If Your Behavior Is Contagious, What Will People Catch?
Did you ever tell scary stories around a campfire? At first, everyone laughs at how ridiculous the story is. But then someone gets scared and, just like magic, the whole group follows suit. Don’t try to reason with them; it’s hopeless. The moment things calm down, a small noise sets them off again. It’s as… [Read More]