Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
How to Hold Yourself Accountable
How many times have you abandoned your New Year’s resolution? Do you often backpedal on a commitment, telling yourself you will “do it tomorrow” — but tomorrow never comes? You’re not alone. While you may have the best of intentions, your follow-through leaves a little to be desired. To add insult to injury, you probably… [Read More]
The Consequences of No Consequences
If you’re a parent, I’m sure you remember the terrible twos. It’s a normal phase in a child’s development that’s marked by a burning desire for independence. The terrible twos are often accompanied by outbursts, frustration, and defiant behavior. (Ugh.) Two-year olds have an insatiable curiosity to explore the world and find a way to… [Read More]
Frank Sonnenberg On Matters That Matter
To My Readers: I’m honored to republish, with permission, an article by Rodger Dean Duncan that first appeared in Forbes January 16, 2019. In it, he interviewed me about my approach to personal development. This is the second half of the interview. The first half, You Are What You Eat … And What You Read, was… [Read More]
Take Ownership by Taking Responsibility
You have choices. You can live a healthy lifestyle or eat to your heart’s content. You can spend money like a drunken sailor or invest in your future. You can listen to your conscience or fall victim to temptation. The fact is, you have the freedom to choose, but you’re not free from the consequences… [Read More]
Get It Done!
What happens when someone asks us to do something really tough? First, we try to get out of it. Right? Next, we complain that they’re asking the impossible. Then, we whine to our friends, “I’m having such a bad day” or “The world is unfair.” After we’ve exhausted every way to get out of the… [Read More]