Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Why Self-Discipline Should Matter to You
Do you deny yourself potato chips even when you’re craving them? Do you keep running even when your body begs you to give up? Do you go to the gym even when your couch calls your name? Yes, self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do things even when you’re reluctant to — but it… [Read More]
The Consequences of No Consequences
If you’re a parent, I’m sure you remember the terrible twos. It’s a normal phase in a child’s development that’s marked by a burning desire for independence. The terrible twos are often accompanied by outbursts, frustration, and defiant behavior. (Ugh.) Two-year olds have an insatiable curiosity to explore the world and find a way to… [Read More]