Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Archives for November 2019
You Deserve It, But…
You hit the ground running, worked your butt off, and did everything required of you. And in the end, you exceeded expectations and hit the ball out of the park. It’s only natural that you expect to be recognized and rewarded for your efforts. After all, you deserve it! But what if you’re not? What… [Read More]
Are You Grateful?
Some people are grateful for their possessions, such as a car, a fine wardrobe, or the phone that seems like it’s another appendage of their body. Others are thankful for being able to live in a nice neighborhood, take lovely vacations, or enjoy the many rewards of their new promotion. But the truth is, too… [Read More]
How to Make Your Words Meaningful
Your words express your thoughts, your feelings, and your dreams. Those messages come in many forms — long or short, plentiful or few — and they can be heartfelt or phony. Once in a while, a simple look, a glancing nod, or even a hug says more than your words can express. What’s more, there… [Read More]