Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Archives for May 2020
Why C Students Do Better Than A Students
Some students excel at school. They’re in all advanced classes. They skim a page and remember the subject matter — forever. And they raise their hand before the question is even asked. What’s more, they’ve been known to wait till the last minute to study for tests, and you guessed it, they still walk away… [Read More]
Why Do Busy People Get Stuff Done?
Did you ever wonder why some people get so much done while others accomplish so little? It doesn’t matter whether they’re at home or at work, some folks plow through stuff while others never seem to put anything to bed. Of course, you’ll hear ineffective people complain about their workload or the hours they’re putting… [Read More]
The Greatest Gift Parents Can Give Kids
Your family is the most precious treasure in your life. The greatest gift you can give your kids is a solid set of values. Take a moment to determine how your actions may be affecting them. Remember, if you don’t pass your values on to your children, someone else will. If you: Teach your kids… [Read More]