Check out Frank’s new book, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose
Archives for September 2023
Lowering Standards Is a Fool’s Errand
If you want everyone to clear the bar, just lower it, right? Folks who embrace this fairy tale strategy won’t have a happy ending. They believe if you want to reduce complaints, don’t ask for feedback. If you want kids to have good self-esteem, offer praise — regardless of whether they do something right or… [Read More]
How to Work Smart and Achieve More
When you request the status of something, some people respond by saying that they’ve assigned a lot of people to the effort, thrown tons of money at it, or they’ve already put in loads of time. Unfortunately, that doesn’t answer the question. It doesn’t matter how many hours they’ve worked. What did they accomplish? How… [Read More]
Some People Have No Shame
There are moments when you’re not at your best. You may be going through a tough time or having a bad day. I get it. But how do you behave the other 364 days of the year? Do you consider yourself a decent human being? We’re not talking about being a saint…just being a good… [Read More]