What’s Holding You Back?
You can achieve great things, but you must be willing to try. That will require hard work, sacrifice, and determination. Of course, there will be challenges and obstacles for you to overcome. But the power to achieve your goals is totally within your control. Your frame of mind can work for you or against you. Why handicap yourself and make your life more difficult than it has to be? Failing to achieve something is excusable; failing to try is not. You can blame others all you want, but the real path to success lies within yourself. Don’t throw it away. The one who might be holding you back is you.
10 Factors that May Be Holding You Back
Are you:
Spreading yourself too thin? If everything’s a priority, then nothing’s a priority. You don’t have unlimited resources and can’t be in two places at the same time.
Waiting for things to happen by magic? If your hopes and dreams haven’t become a reality to date, what makes you think sitting around waiting is productive?
Afraid of failure? If you stop focusing on all the reasons why you can’t do something, you just may surprise yourself when you see what you can do.
More talk than action? When you do nothing, nothing happens. It’s that simple.
Unwilling to make the commitment? Everything worth striving for requires a certain level of sacrifice to achieve success. If you’re not willing to make the commitment, don’t complain about the outcome.
Trying too hard to please others? Make your priorities a priority. If you’re trying too hard to please others, you may fail to satisfy your own needs.
Intimidated by the work required? You don’t get what you want; you get what you deserve. Very few things come to those who don’t work hard. When you work your tail off for something, it isn’t luck.
Doing things for the wrong reasons? Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. If you’re spending your whole life chasing rainbows, you’ll never catch up with your dreams.
Focusing on the wrong things? Keep things in perspective. Material possessions get old and wear out. Memories last forever.
Waiting for the perfect time to act? There’s never a perfect time. Avoid regrets and do it now.
Some people have incredible ability but fail to live up to their true potential. They say their dreams are out of reach as an excuse not to try. Others want the rewards but are unwilling to make the effort. Although some of your dreams may be tough to attain, most things in life are achievable if you’re willing to make the sacrifice. That requires hard work, commitment, and unyielding determination — don’t let people convince you otherwise. Don’t let these 10 factors hold you back. It’s your life, your journey, and it will ultimately be your prize.
Check out Franks NEW book, Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others
What’s Holding You Back?
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Additional Reading:
Mental Barriers: What’s Holding You Back?
Poor Habits Lead to Poor Results
20 Choices That Will Determine Your Destiny
Is Self-Reliance More Than a Buzzword?
Do You Have a Victim Mentality?
30 Habits That Create Enormous Distress
Take Ownership by Taking Responsibility
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