In The Renewal Factor, Robert Waterman says that it is interesting to “look up the word boss in a book of synonyms. At the start of the list you find manage and direct. Not bad. Then the list continues with control, order, command, take charge, preside over, oversee, supervise, superintend, domineer, dominate, push around, ride… [Read More]
Being Lazy is a Drag
Some people are lazy bums. They do just enough to get by and would prefer to watch others work rather than lift a finger. They’re the kind of folks who’d step over something on the floor rather than bend down to pick it up. These sorry individuals watch the clock and push paper all day,… [Read More]
Don’t Quit: Make Winning a Habit
Do you know anyone who is pounding the pavement looking for a new job? Maybe you know someone who has tried to quit smoking or you have a neighbor who is training for the marathon. How about someone who has received strict doctor’s orders to eat healthier and lose weight? Over the course of our… [Read More]
Starting a Business? Prepare for a Marathon
Starting a business? How exciting . . . You’ll get to be your own boss, call your own shots, and even determine your own salary. If you do a good job, you’ll be a raging success; if you fail, there’s no one to blame except yourself. Remember, you’ll never have to play company politics or… [Read More]
The Power of a Positive Attitude
Do you think you’re a positive person? A positive mental attitude can improve your health, enhance your relationships, increase your chances of success, and add years to your life. The fact is, most people are bombarded by negativity each day. Sure, it’s easy to cast blame by saying you’re surrounded by negative people. The reality:… [Read More]
Simplify Your Job Search
We’ve recently experienced one of the most difficult employment periods in history. Whether you’re a recent college graduate or an employee looking for the Holy Grail, here are some ideas to simplify your job search: Get your mind in shape. Just as you’d want to be in peak physical shape before a big game, it’s… [Read More]
Seeing the World Through Rose-Colored Glasses
In the world in which we live, we’re bombarded almost daily with media reports riddled with scandals about our “heroes” in sports, government, business, and the arts. No wonder we’ve become jaded. This unprincipled behavior has tainted our perception of people and colored our view of the world. We’ve become cautious of people’s intent, distrustful of… [Read More]
The Winner’s Edge
Why do some people win in life, even though they may not have the most knowledge, greatest skill, best experience, or be the most talented? Can it all be chalked up to luck, or do winners have that “extra something”? The fact is that some people hurt their odds of winning before the game of… [Read More]