My Candidate Would…
- Put the country first.
- Do what’s right. Period.
- Be fair.
- Tell it like it is.
- Be compassionate.
- Find areas of common ground.
- Make tough decisions.
- Follow the law of the land.
- Keep their promises.
- Fix more problems than they create.
- Award contracts based on qualifications.
- Remain accountable.
- Honor tradition.
- Stop “gotcha” politics.
- Listen.
- Step out of their comfort zone.
- Talk less. Do more.
- Build up rather than tear down.
- Speak the truth.
- Stop petty politics.
- Debate issues. Stop personal attacks.
- Serve as a good steward of our hard-earned money.
- Read the law before voting.
- Run toward problems rather than away from them.
- Be informed, not just opinionated.
- Learn from mistakes and act accordingly.
- Let their actions speak louder than their words.
- Discipline immoral activity of friends and colleagues.
- Eliminate waste before requesting more money.
- Never tolerate mediocrity.
- Listen to their conscience.
- Never bite off more than they can chew.
- Think beyond today.
- Never sell out for money.
- Be a good role model.
- Preserve the honor of their office.
- Offer hope and equal opportunity.
- Make us proud.
- Think about our future, not theirs.
- If a candidate can’t abide by these rules, give someone else a chance.
Please leave a comment and tell us what you think or share it with someone who can benefit from the information.
Tell Me About Your Ideal Political Candidate
Additional Reading:
Trust Me…Trust Me Not
Honor: Your Word is Your Bond
50 Ways to Lose Trust and Credibility
13 Ways to Spot a Lie
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How does Pres. Obama rate using your criteria?
Good question Frank. I don’t want to sound like a politician, but that’s for you, and others to decide. As Alexis de Toqueville said, “In a democracy, people get the government they deserve,”
Where is this candidate, Frank. We need her or him. May I add a few other parameters for your consideration?
– The heart of a servant leader
– A person we can trust
– Someone who is humble
– Someone who will reduce the inefficiency of government
– Someone who will keep talking to find the win-win people can agree upon
– Someone who recognizes our limitations as well as our best aspirations.
Well done again, sir,
Great list, Bob
It’s unfortunate that we even have to mention these things.
The truth is, when we hold people accountable for their actions, they’ll begin to change their ways.