Make It A Habit

Make it a Habit
Make It A Habit
Do it now
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Make a difference
Forgive and forget
Find the good in people
Save for a rainy day
Live without regrets
Listen to your conscience
Keep your promises
Pay good deeds forward
Enjoy every moment
Rely on yourself first
Find a balance
Be a good role model
Learn from your mistakes
Be a good friend
Keep in touch
Exercise and eat healthy
Break out of your comfort zone
Stop worrying
Value people over things
Share a compliment
Accept responsibility
Put yourself in their shoes
Listen…just listen
Trust others
Ask for help
Challenge yourself
Find time to relax
Tell the truth
Offer to help
Make someone smile
Make memories
Share with others
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Once again, Frank, you’ve created something that supports me and encourages me — I’m printing it out to hang in my home office as well as sharing it with friends and family!
Thank you!
You take my breath away! How can one man capture the essence of Being as adroitly as you do? Is it that simple or that so many just don’t get it. Like Julie, I am printing it out and carrying it around with me in my organizer. Plus, I am going to share it with my world. Thank you for letting the back door open for me. Felix the Cat
Julie / Felix
Thanks so much for your encouragement and support. It means a lot to me.
Your posters are so darn good!I have the “Where Did the Time Go” next to my desk. This one will go on my IDEAS board nearby. Love that you make these available for us.
Terrific! Thank you.
This is so creative, I love it! I have the “Where Did the Time Go” on my desk as well. It seems every day I ask myself that question!
Shawn, Terry, Leyane
Thanks for being loyal readers of my posts and for sharing them with your friends and colleagues. I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.
This is amazing frank this is ammazing
Your whole website is inspiring. I have printed out “Make It A Habit.” It is hanging in my office.
The one change I would suggest is “Forgive and Forget.” My wife and I lead a workshop in Forgiveness and Reconciliation. We have found that you can’t ask people to forget the things that have been done to them. You can help them to re-frame the meaning of what happened.
Robert Sutton has a great blog on “Forgive and Remember: How a Good Boss Responds to Mistakes.” He has written an eloquent explanation of why remembering is important.
Thank you so much for sharing these.
Thanks so much for your thoughts Tom
I’ll be sure to check out the HBR article that you suggest. Along those lines I once heard a quote, “If you can’t forgive and forget, pick one”
Have a great day!
Hi Frank, what a terrific site! I’m so glad I found it via Pinterest…I have bookmarked and look forward to sharing your work!
Hey Tony
Thanks so much for taking the time to write. It means a lot to me. I’m looking forward to connecting with you.
Have a great day!
Another excellent post (and we strive for excellence, now, don’t we 😉 )
You have been a tremendous support and inspiration for a young adult, we know, helping her the transition to finding and standing on her own two feet in this world. She is American but was raised abroad and your work has truly helped introduce, instill, remind, and reinforce several American cultural values too. Values that that are crucial to understand and absolutely necessary for being able to navigate through life and work in this country, and for managing one’s relationships.
We have a dozen of these hanging in our home office and so does she. Wonderful inspiration!
Please keep them coming 🙂
Hi Camilla.
Thanks for your kind words. It means a lot to me. If I can positively impact one person it makes all of my work worthwhile 🙂 I’ll keep writing about moral character, values, and personal responsibility as long as I feel I have something to say. Thanks so much for taking the time to write.
I love the list of habits. They are all things we should live by. I’m not sure that the flowchart visualization is appropriate for this, since the ideas aren’t linked logically in the way that the flowchart suggests. This could cause cognitive dissonance for a logical person, distracting then from the value in the words themselves. I would suggest a different motif, like a bubble chart with a web radiating from the central theme, with as many connections as you can think of, or randomized placement with no connections. However, if one gets past this, it’s quite helpful.
Thanks for the input, Matt.