BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose People care so much about their popularity, their appearance, and their status. They care about what people think, whether others approve, and how they measure up. What’s more, people buy things to appear successful and even lower their personal standards… [Read More]
Ideas to Transform You from Good to Better to Best
To My Readers: I’m honored to republish, with permission, Ideas to Transform You from Good to Better to Best by Rodger Dean Duncan, which first appeared in the June 29, 2023, issue of Forbes. In it, he interviewed me about issues that make the biggest difference in relationships and personal performance. — Frank Sonnenberg Ideas to Transform… [Read More]
Here’s to the Superstars
Leadership by Example
Leadership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others If behavior is contagious, is yours worth catching? Role models don’t have to be rich, powerful, or famous. They don’t have to be the most attractive, wear the fanciest clothes, or drive the most expensive cars. They are as commonplace as a family… [Read More]
The Path to a Meaningful Life
Everyone is searching for meaning in life, but few people know how to find it. The problem is that most people are seeking validation from others rather than living a life that makes them proud. You may be thinking, “Who cares? I’m too busy.” While that’s understandable, if you wait too long to identify the… [Read More]
In a World of Bad Behavior, a Call for Personal Accountability
To My Readers: I’m honored to republish, with permission, an article by Rodger Dean Duncan that first appeared in Forbes January 26, 2021. In it, he interviewed me about personal accountability. — Frank Sonnenberg In a World of Bad Behavior, A Call for Personal Accountability By Rodger Dean Duncan PhD with Frank Sonnenberg When I was… [Read More]
How to Earn Credibility
Listen to Your Conscience. That’s Why You Have One
It gives me great pleasure to introduce my new book — Listen to Your Conscience: That’s Why You Have One. It’s the product of a great deal of care and reflection and has been a year and a half in the making. Listen to Your Conscience. That’s Why You Have One. Some people spend their whole life… [Read More]